Three Ways We Are Fighting Coronavirus
Every morning this week we have woken up to increasingly frustrating and panic-inducing news about COVID-19 aka Coronavirus. At Bee Friends, we don't accept panic, but we do want to be prepared.
As beekeepers, we understand the impact that our food and nutrition have on our bodies and we want to encourage healthy immune systems. Our staff remains healthy and here's how we plan on keeping it that way.
Three ways we are preparing for the Coronavirus:
1) Get sleep.
It's amazing what a good night's sleep can do for you! Not only will it ease the stress and worry that the constant stream of "Coronavirus" news creates, but it will make your body stronger when it comes to fighting off any kind of bug or cold that comes your way. Exercise can also help blow off steam and destress your brain - but sometimes sleep is easier to get!
2) Boost your immune system in healthy ways.
This can include many antioxidant boosting supplements. More raw honey. Your kids may hate medicine, but we bet you can get them to take a teaspoon of Vanilla Cream Honey a day! Increase Vitamin C intake, it is citrus season after all! Start a regular regimen of Elderberry Syrup. We love our friends over at Mom's Organic Elderberry, they use all-natural products including our honey. You can even purchase a DIY kit from them that just requires water and a little local honey! Eat less processed sugar and up your veggie intake. Do the things that are making your body feel good and support healthy daily habits.
3) Wash hands even more regularly.
This is something that we don't take lightly in foodservice and prep. Hand washing should be ramping up right now for everyone. Hand sanitizer is great, but nothing takes the place of good ol' soap and hot water. We like the song "Stayin' Alive" when washing hands!
Above all, listen to your body! If you are feeling unwell, take yourself to the doctor, stay home, and rest. This is no time to "power through" and figure it out later. Stay healthy, friends, and we'll see you soon!
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